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Design and Development team
The Design Team was commissioned in 1997 to develop the thinking behind Bristol Legible City and develop an approach, identity, sign system and a ream of interlinking projects.

Bristol City Council
City Centre Projects and Urban design
The urban design project team within the Department of Environment, Transport and Leisure, is responsible for major innovative projects in the city centre. The lead council team for Bristol Legible City includes Tina Speake, project manager; Jonathan Banks, responsible developing the art programme, and is lead by Alastair Brook.

Bristol City Council
Visual Technology

The technical and graphics team within the City Council, also part of the Department of Environment, Transport and Leisure, consists of graphics designers, cartographers, model makers, web developers and photographers. Their role with Legible City is to produce and artwork the majority of elements.

City ID
A specialist team of urban designers led by Mike Rawlinson provided the catalyst thinking and partnered the Council Team to select and manage the overall process to achieve the highest quality results.

MetaDesign London
A multi-disciplinary group led by Tim Fendley was responsible for concepts and the delivery of the information design and communication design elements of the project.

PSD Associates
A project team led by Sam Gullam was involved with concepts, designing, developing and overseeing the manufacture of the physical sign system.

Geoff Wood, a public arts consultant was part of the team to involve artists with the development of the initiative


FAT - Fashion, Architecture, Taste - is a group of artists and architects interested the city. In 2001 Sean Griffiths from FAT was appointed as lead artist for Legible City to guide a programme of arts projects.

The team has been augmented and supported on certain projects by the following service areas of the Council and other consultants:
BCC Traffic Management – Mike Grinyer
BCC Corporate Communications – Stuart Long
BCC Bristol Civil Engineering
BCC Arts Development Unit
Bristol Cultural Development Partnership – Andrew Kelly
RNIB Joint Mobility
Qube Design Associates
Wood & Wood
Lacock Gullam
AIG:Applied Information Group

Every attempt has been made to include all those involved. If we have missed you please contact

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